Synergies, Not Silos: Why Isolated Initiatives Won’t Disrupt the Status Quo

By Becky Wai-Ling Packard, Ph.D., Joi-Lynn Mondisa, Ph.D., and Beronda L. Montgomery, Ph.D.

Drs. Packard, Mondisa, and Montgomery introduce and discuss their STEM Mentoring Ecosystems (STEM-ME) framework

In this blog post, Drs. Packard, Mondisa, and Montgomery introduce and discuss their STEM Mentoring Ecosystems (STEM-ME) framework. This framework argues that “to elevate the impact and outcomes of mentoring, efforts cannot be approached or assessed solely program by program, but instead from an ecosystem-wide cultivation of success.” The authors go on to provide implementation tactics for this framework. Click here to read the full post.