Engineering students observing a mechanism

The collaborative spirit at the University of Michigan, coupled with the intentional combination of course-based and experiential learning of the EER graduate program, promotes and allows interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary research in engineering education and allows students to individualize their learning experience.

Our premier faculty are integrated into traditional engineering departments, providing students with a unique opportunity to engage in innovative research within the College of Engineering.

The program admits both M.S. and Ph.D. students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree in a traditional engineering discipline, and it builds upon courses and expertise in the College of Engineering, the School of Education, and across the university.


We offer an innovative and diverse environment for faculty and students from across the globe to conduct cutting-edge research that can improve the world.


Our EER program allows students to engage in unique immersive learning experiences and work directly with the engineering disciplines to diffuse their research findings through the College of Engineering.


Our faculty have impressive research portfolios spanning the engineering education ecosystem and home appointments in a traditional engineering department, providing many diverse research opportunities.


Our EER program leverages top-ranked engineering, education, and other departments and includes coursework in engineering education, research methods, and special topics areas.


Our EER program provides ample resources for research, travel, and professional development.