ADHD in engineering: Improving education for neurodiverse college STEM students

The researchers look to increase the diversity of the STEM workforce.| Medium Read

A new study funded by the National Science Foundation aims to improve teaching practices in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education for college students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The researchers expect that it will ultimately improve education for many Continue Reading »

Building ethical engineering leaders: public welfare awareness in graduate education

A new NSF-funded project will result in a unique engineering graduate course on professional responsibility

Where does the power and responsibility lie when a company is developing technology that may be harmful to the public? A new project, funded by the National Science Foundation, aims to teach engineers that the responsibility lies with them—and empower Continue Reading »

2021 EECS Outstanding Achievement Awards

The EECS Department has honored five faculty for their sustained excellence in instruction and curricular development, distinguished participation in service activities, or for their significant achievements in scholarly research.

Five faculty have received an Outstanding Achievement Award from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The award recognizes individual faculty for special contributions made Continue Reading »